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2008-11-12 13:33:47|  分类: 基础英语口语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

  下载LOFTER 我的照片书  |

7. Hello?Good morning? 喂?早上好!

---Hello? Good morning!喂?早上好。

---Good morning! 早好!

---May I speak to Will, please?我可以和威尔讲话吗?

---This is Will. 我就是。

---Hi, Will, this is Danny.嘿,威尔,我是丹尼。

---Danny? Danny who? 丹尼?哪个丹尼?

---Danny Green.丹尼·格林。

---Oh, hi, Danny. 哦,你好,丹尼。

---We haven't talked for over a year. How are you? 我们有一年多没联络了。你还好吧?

---I'm fine. It's so good to hear your voice.我很好。听到你的声音我很高兴。

---Where did you go?你去哪里了?

---I visited Paris. Then I went to visit London. After that, I lived in Moscow for a year. 我去了巴黎,然后去了伦敦,最后在莫斯科住了一年。

---Wow! That's a lot of traveling! I'm glad you're back.哇,旅行的地方真不少啊。很高兴你回来了。

---So am I.我也是。


1. May I speak to ...., please? 我可以和.......讲话吗?

This is....(speaking)  我是......

在打电话作自我介绍时要用“This is+你的名字”。如果有人找你,回答“我就是”时,英语中通常用“This is +你的名字 (+speaking)”或用“This is he./she”。如:

--May I speak to Lyle?我可以和莱尔讲话吗?

--This is he. /This is Lyle (speaking).我就是。


8. I have a cold.我感冒了。

---Hello? Hello?喂?喂?

---Sue? Is that you? 苏,是你吗?

---Yes, this is Sue. 是的,是我。

---Hi, Sue, this is Mark. How are you today? 嘿,苏,我是马克。今天还好吗?

---I have a terrible cold. 我感冒的很厉害。

---Oh, no! We're in the same boat.I have the flu. Ahchoo! Excuse me!噢,不会吧!我们都感冒了。我得了流感。Ahchoo(打喷嚏声)!对不好意思。

---God bless you.愿上帝保佑你!

---Thank you.I'm really in bad shape. I have a sore throat and a high fever. 谢谢。我现在真的很糟糕。喉咙疼还发高烧。

---Me too. 我也是。

---I can't stop coughing, I can't stop sneezing. Ahchoo! Ahchoo! Excuse me.我不停地咳嗽,不停地打喷嚏。Ahchoo! Ahchoo! 不好意思。

---Bless you. It sounds like you need to go to bed. I hope you will get rid of your cold tomorrow. 愿上帝保佑你。看来你需要上床休息。希望明天你的感冒能好。


---I hope you get better soon, too. Take care. 我希望你也早点好起来。保重。


---Good-bye. Thanks for calling.再见。谢谢你打电话来。


1. I have a terrible cold. 我很了重感冒。

普通感冒:catch/have a cold

患流感:catch/have the flu

发烧:catch/have a fever


2. We're in the same boat.我们在同一条船上。

be in the same boat是美国俚语,表示处于同样(通常指不幸的)境地。如:

She and I are in the same boat: we both failed the exam.我和她一样,考试都没及格。

We are all in the same boat on a rough sea.我们大家在海上休戚相关。


3. God bless you./Bless you.愿上帝保佑你。

在英美文化中,如果有人打了喷嚏,打喷嚏者通常要表示歉意,而听到别人打喷嚏时则要说“God bless you/Bless you”,据说这样可消灾避难。


4. I am in bad shape.我身体不好。


She is in good shape after months of training.经过了几个月的训练后,她的身体好了。

The illness has left him in rather poor shape.这场病让他形容枯槁。

If you party day and night, you'll be in bad shape for your test next Wednesday.


5. I can't stop cought.我无法停止咳嗽。

stop + doing sth.表示“停止正在做的事情”。

Will you stop making that horrible noise!你别再弄出那种令人讨厌的噪音好不好!

stop + to do sth.表示“停下(正在做的)去做另一件事”。

When he was reading a book, someone knocked at the door, so he stopped to ansere it. 他正在读书,忽然人敲门,所以他就停下来去开门。(停止读书去开门)


6. I hope you'll get rid of your cold tomorrow.希望你明天就能好起来。

get rid of摆脱某人或某物

He is a boring nuisance. I'm glad to get rid of him.他这人很讨厌。我很高兴能摆脱他的纠缠。

The shop ordered 20 copies of the book and now it can't get rid of them.该店订购了20本这种书,现在却无法脱手。


9. Can I take a message?我可以捎个信吗?/你可以留言吗?

---Hello? Hello?

---Hi! This is Lily Smith.  May I speak to Mary  please? 嘿,我是莉莉·斯密斯。我可以与和玛丽讲话吗?

---Sorry.  Mary is not here. I am her husband. Can I take a message?对不起,玛丽不在。我是她的丈夫。我可以给她捎信吗?

---I've been out of touch with Mary for ages. I'm just wondering how she's doing.我已经很久没有与玛丽联系了。只是想知道她现在好吗?

---She is doing fine. She just got her master's degree in education. 她很好。刚刚拿到教育学硕士学位。

---Good for her. Please tell her I miss her.真不错。请告诉她我很想她。

---I will. I'll ask her to call you back later. What's your telephone number? 我会的。我会让她给你回电话。您的电话号码是多少?


---Sorry, can you hold on for a minute?Someone is at my door. I will be back with you in a minute. 对不起,请稍等一下。门口有人。我很快就会回来。

---Ok, I can wait. 好的,我等你。


1. Can/May I take a message?(打电话时)我可以捎个信吗?/您可以留言吗?

=Do you want to leave a message?

2. I have been out of touch with Mary for ages.我很久没有和玛丽联系了。

(1)for ages:很长一段时间

Hi, I haven't seen you for ages.嘿,我很久没见你了。

(2) 表示与人联系的常用短语:


be in touch with sb.与某人保持联系

be back in touch with sb.与某人重新保持着联络

be out of touch with sb.与某人失去联系


get (back) in touch with sb.与某人(重新)获得联系/(重新)与某人联系上

keep in touch with sb.与某人保持联系

lose touch with sb.与某人失去联系

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