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Get to Know the Blogger认识博主  

2008-11-02 23:35:11|  分类: 生活随笔 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Hello, friend, I'm Will Smiles. You can just call me Will or Often.

Welcome to my blog.  First I'd like to thank you for being here and offering me a chance to write something to you.  Since graduating 10 years ago, I've been working as a teacher of English. Over the years, I've accumulated much experience in this field. From basic teaching tips on how to explain a simple question clearly to advanced skills in designing a new course, I've got a comprehensive understanding of education. Of course, as time changes, everything will change, too. So you've got to play it by ear and follow the tide. So teaching is always creative. And as I see it, that's just where fun lies. As I started to establish my reputation among the circles, some publishing houses invited me to take part in compiling English coaching books, while other English-learning oriented papers asked me to work as their contributing editor. So far, I've tried my hand at more than 20 books, for some of which I acted as the editor-in-chief.

Beside teaching, I'm also devoted to translation, which not only brings me some pocket money, but also keeps my English at a certain level and up to date.

My dream is to be a great teacher and I've always been trying to live up to it. 

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