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2008-12-23 10:43:07|  分类: 默认分类 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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奥风英语圣诞祝福--送给所有支持奥风的朋友们 - chinaoften - 奥风英语oftenenglish的博客

Hi, Often buddies, thank you all very much for your support to
Often English(奥风英语in the past. At the advent of 2009 Christmas and New Year, it's a great joy and a great pleasure to have a heart-to-heart talk with and send my greetings to you.

奥风英语圣诞祝福--送给所有支持奥风的朋友们 - chinaoften - 奥风英语oftenenglish的博客In all seriousness, Christmas has always been a special time for everyone because it's one of the few occasions that families and friends can enjoy a get-together. This Christmas is destined to be a more unique one. As is known to all, we witnessed glory of 2008 Olympic Games and rapid changes in many areas. Often has gradually established its reputation among the circles and become more widely accepted. Behind all of this, Often buddies are playing an important role. Without your support, Often will not be what it is today.

So right at this time, Often English Workshop sincerely wishes every buddy of Often English:

奥风英语圣诞祝福--送给所有支持奥风的朋友们 - chinaoften - 奥风英语oftenenglish的博客

A healthy and strong body;

A decent and ever increasing salary;

An optimistic and fruitful life;

A warm and caring family;

Rapid progress in study and career;

A Christmas that’s merry and New Year that’s happy!

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