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2008-09-10 13:39:49|  分类: 听读名著,学英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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On moving my hand above the surface of the water, I experienced the greatest fright I ever received in the whole course of my life; for imagine my horror on discovering my hand, as I thought, full of blood. My first thought was that I had ruptured an artery, and was bleeding to death, and should be discovered, later on, looking like a second Marat, as I remember seeing him in Madame Tussaud's. My second thought was to ring the bell, but remembered there was no bell to ring. My third was, that there was nothing but the enamel paint, which had dissolved with boiling water. I stepped out of the bath, perfectly red all over, resembling the Red Indians I have seen depicted at an East-End theatre. I determined not to say a word to Carrie, but to tell Farmerson to come on Monday and paint the bath white.



1. in the course of 在……期间

2. rupture [C U] 破裂;裂开 vt. vi. 破裂;使破裂;破坏

The pipe will rupture at its weakest point. 管道会在最薄弱的地方破裂。

His liver was ruptured when a brick wall collapsed on him.砖墙砸在他身上,使心脏破碎。

The noise ruptured the tranquility of the afternoon. 噪音打破了下午的宁静。

3. artery [C] 动脉;干线

4. dissolve vt. vi.融化;逐渐变小、变弱 vt.解散(议会等)

Stir till the salt dissolves. 搅拌直到盐融化。

Dissolve the tablet in water.使药片融于水中。

The monarch had the power to dissolve parliament. 君主有权解散议会。

5. resemble vt. (不用于进行时或被动语态)相似;相像

It's amazing how closely Brian and Steve resemble each other.


It’s a small object resembling a pin.它是一个像大头钉一样的小东西。

All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way.


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