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2008-09-17 22:32:23|  分类: 听读名著,学英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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[译者注] 因为这是一个小人物的日记,里面点点滴滴的琐事才更显得亲切,好像主人公就是我们中的一员,从主人公的叙述中到处可以看到我们身边的人或者自己的影子。所以当我们翻阅小人物日记时,有时会发现有些像是自己的自言自语,只是我们习惯于用汉语,这儿是用英语表达出来而已。而当你认真跟随我们欣赏完全书后,你会发现与朋友间的英语聊天,交流与表达会变得轻松有趣,你会很容易找到地道的词句来传达自己的思想,而这正是很多英语学习者长久以来的追求。

想知道如何用英语表达“脖子抽筋”、“胡说八道”、“别(跟演戏式地)那么夸张了”、“当着某人的面”、“把某事办糟”、“没有心情”、“发脾气”、“家常便饭”、“磨砂玻璃”、“梳妆台”等这些日常高频词汇/短语吗?只要好好学习本章你就可以全部掌握。而且,The above are not all(以上并非全部),更多精彩表达,请看本章详情。



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After the Mansion House Ball. Carrie offended. Gowing also offended. A pleasant party at the Cummings'. Mr. Franching, of Peckham, visits us.


 May 8.--I woke up with a most terrible head-ache. I could scarcely see, and the back of my neck was as if I had given it a crick. I thought first of sending for a doctor; but I did not think it necessary. When up, I felt faint, and went to Brownish's, the chemist, who gave me a draught. So bad at the office, had to get leave to come home. Went to another chemist in the City, and I got a draught. Brownish's dose seems to have made me worse; have eaten nothing all day. To make matters worse, Carrie, every time I spoke to her, answered me sharply--that is, when she answered at all.

58 我醒来后头痛的厉害。眼睛几乎睁不开,脖子后面的肌肉僵直。我先是想派人去请医生,后来又觉得没有必要。站起时感到有些晕,我就去了布朗尼斯的药店,药剂师让我拿了药。在办公室里很难受,就回家了。又去城里找另一位药剂师拿了药。因为布朗尼斯开的药服过后好像病情更严重,我一整天都没吃东西。更糟的是,每次我对卡丽讲话,她总是要么不理要么抢白式的回上几句。


1. crick 痛性强直;肌肉抽筋


to have/get a crick in one’s neck/back 患颈部/背部肌肉强直;脖子/背部抽筋

2. draught [C] n. 通风;气流;(旧)药

3. to make matters worse 更糟的是

 In the evening I felt very much worse again and said to her: "I do believe I've been poisoned by the lobster mayonnaise at the Mansion House last night;" she simply replied, without taking her eyes from her sewing: "Champagne never did agree with you." I felt irritated, and said: "What nonsense you talk; I only had a glass and a half, and you know as well as I do--" Before I could complete the sentence she bounced out of the room. I sat over an hour waiting for her to return; but as she did not, I determined I would go to bed. I discovered Carrie had gone to bed without even saying "good-night"; leaving me to bar the scullery door and feed the cat. I shall certainly speak to her about this in the morning.



1. lobster mayonnaise 虾黄酱

2. agree with (多要用于疑问句和否定句中)(对某人的健康或胃口)适合

The humid climate didn’t agree with him. 那儿潮湿的气候对他不合适。

She likes eating Chinese yams but unfortunately they don’t agree with her.


3. What nonsense you talk你胡说什么;简直胡说八道;纯属乱讲

4. bounce out of跳出;冲出;脱口而出

Imagine what it's going to be like to bounce out of bed, excited by the challenges and opportunities of the day ahead!


5. scullery (厨房旁的)洗涤室


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