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2008-09-19 09:23:49|  分类: 听读名著,学英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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However, Mrs. James brought me down another shirt, which I changed in the drawing-room. I put a piece of court-plaster on my chin, and Sarah very neatly sewed up the tear at the knee. At nine o'clock Carrie swept into the room, looking like a queen. Never have I seen her look so lovely, or so distinguished. She was wearing a satin dress of sky-blue--my favourite colour--and a piece of lace, which Mrs. James lent her, round the shoulders, to give a finish. I thought perhaps the dress was a little too long behind, and decidedly too short in front, but Mrs. James said it was a la mode. Mrs. James was most kind, and lent Carrie a fan of ivory with red feathers, the value of which, she said, was priceless, as the feathers belonged to the Kachu eagle--a bird now extinct. I preferred the little white fan which Carrie bought for three-and- six at Shoolbred's, but both ladies sat on me at once.



1. court-plaster 橡皮膏

2. sew up 缝合;缝上;解决

3. satin 绸子;绸缎

4. a la mode 流行的;时髦的

 We arrived at the Mansion House too early, which was rather fortunate, for I had an opportunity of speaking to his lordship, who graciously condescended to talk with me some minutes; but I must say I was disappointed to find he did not even know Mr. Perkupp, our principal.



condescend vi.显示优越感;谦逊;屈尊

Take care not to condescend to your readers.注意不要把自己凌驾于读者之上。

“Yes. I know,” Clara said, condescending to look at Rose for the first time.


 I felt as if we had been invited to the Mansion House by one who did not know the Lord Mayor himself. Crowds arrived, and I shall never forget the grand sight. My humble pen can never describe it. I was a little annoyed with Carrie, who kept saying: "Isn't it a pity we don't know anybody?"


 Once she quite lost her head. I saw someone who looked like Franching, from Peckham, and was moving towards him when she seized me by the coat-tails, and said quite loudly: "Don't leave me," which caused an elderly gentleman, in a court-suit, and a chain round him, and two ladies, to burst out laughing. There was an immense crowd in the supper-room, and, my stars! it was a splendid supper--any amount of champagne.



1. lose one’s head 惊慌失措;冲动

Don’t lose your head—keep calm! 别慌沉住气!

2. burst into 突然(哭、笑、说话等);突然而猛烈地(着火等);(植物)长出

Claire looked as if she were about to burst into tears. 克莱尔看起来快要哭了。

Suddenly, the group burst into laughter.突然,这群人大笑起来。

Linda burst into song. 琳达突然唱起歌来。

The aircraft crashed and burst into flames. 飞机坠毁起火。

When spring comes, without being noticed, the tree bursts into green leaves.


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