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童年趣事之四Snapshot in My Childhood (4)  

2008-10-13 13:02:10|  分类: 往事悠悠 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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         When young, I was appointed to wheat straw into a haycock when harvesting time came, that's to say, putting wheat straw at the right place after it was thrown to me, since a haycock was usually too high for one person to manage. And to throw the wheat straw called for great strength, which was beyond me due to my tender age. What with possible bad weather, other families waiting to use the threshing machines or lack of hands, in which case relatives were usually asked to lend a hand,  the time was always pressing, so overwork in the evening was inevitable, sometimes we even had to work all night,  I think that accounts for the coinage of "rush harvesting".

         One year, we worked the whole night, and as usual, I piled wheat straw. When it was 3 A.M. or so,  I think, I was too exhausted to go on working. I simply tumbled into the straw unconciously and fell into a deep sleep immediately, this time, I really "hit the hay".  I was suddenly awakened from sound sleep by a step on the body . What surpried me was that I could see nothing, all in complete darkness, which left me wondering where I was. Then I realized I was buried under the wheat straw. It turned out that my uncle, who was flinging the straw to me then, came up to find me when noticing the thrown-up straw stayed where they had been for quite a long time, ever increasing. He had tried to wake me up by callling out my name several times only in vain. So he startd walking around on the haycock, and an accident step finally got me up.

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