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2008-10-03 23:30:01|  分类: 听读名著,学英语 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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The Diary of a Nobody

Chapter 7 (1)




Home again. Mrs. James' influence on Carrie. Can get nothing for Lupin. Next-door neighbours are a little troublesome. Some one tampers with my diary. Got a place for Lupin. Lupin startles us with an announcement.

又回到了家。詹姆士夫人对卡丽的影响(influence)。没有给卢宾找到工作。隔壁的邻居有点让人讨厌。有人动了(tamper with)我的日记本。给卢宾谋到了一个职位。卢宾发布了一个让我们吃惊的消息。


tamper vi. (未经允许)乱摸;乱动;改变;损害

常用搭配:tamper with

He noticed that the instruments had been tampered with.


I don't see the point in tampering with a system that's worked fine so far.



August 22.--Home sweet Home again! Carrie bought some pretty blue- wool mats to stand vases on. Fripps, Janus and Co. write to say they are sorry they have no vacancy among their staff of clerks for Lupin.

822  一次回到了甜蜜的家!卡丽买了一些漂亮的蓝色羊毛垫放花瓶。弗雷普斯、詹纳斯和公司都写信说他们很抱歉目前没有空缺职位(vacancy),无法安排卢宾。


vacancy [C] n. 空缺职位;空余房间

There are still two vacancies on the school board.


We have no vacancies for photographers at the moment.


The council is making every effort to fill the vacancies.


Let me see if we have a vacancy for tonight.


' No vacancies ', the sign read. 牌子上写着“客房已满”。


August 23.--I bought a pair of stags' heads made of plaster-of- Paris and coloured brown. They will look just the thing for our little hall, and give it style; the heads are excellent imitations. Poolers and Smith are sorry they have nothing to offer Lupin.

823  我买了一付棕色石膏鹿头。它们仿制地像极了,看起来很适合我们的小客厅,使它充满了时尚感。普乐斯和斯密斯很抱歉他们帮不上卢宾的忙。.


plaster-of- Paris烧石膏, 熟石膏

August 24.--Simply to please Lupin, and make things cheerful for him, as he is a little down, Carrie invited Mrs. James to come up from Sutton and spend two or three days with us. We have not said a word to Lupin, but mean to keep it as a surprise.

824  因为卢宾有些闷闷不乐,为了让他开心,同时使情况看起来乐观一些,卡丽邀请萨顿的詹姆士夫人来我们家住两三天。这件事我们对卢宾一字未提,想给他一次惊喜。

August 25.--Mrs. James, of Sutton, arrived in the afternoon, bringing with her an enormous bunch of wild flowers. The more I see of Mrs James the nicer I think she is, and she is devoted to Carrie. She went into Carrie's room to take off her bonnet, and remained there nearly an hour talking about dress. Lupin said he was not a bit surprised at Mrs. James' VISIT, but was surprised at HER.

825  詹姆士夫人下午抵达,还带来了一大捆野花。我越看詹姆士夫人越觉得她漂亮,而且她非常喜欢卡丽。她进入卡丽的房间,取下帽子,呆了近一个小时,一直谈论关于着装的问题。卢宾说他对詹姆士夫人的来访一点也不感到惊奇,但是她本人却令他惊奇。


devote vt. 致力于;献身于;将某物专用于


devote one’s time/energy/attention to (doing) sth. 将某人的时间/精力/注意力用于做某事

devote oneself to sth. 将自己献身于;专心于

devote sth. to sth.将某物(时间、金钱等)用于做某事

I devoted my energies to writing this book.


She devoted herself full-time to her business.


The meeting will be devoted to health and safety issues.


devoted adj.投入的;深爱的

常用搭配:be devoted to 致力于;深爱

He is well-known as a devoted father. 人人都知道他是个慈爱的父亲。

He is devoted to his brother.他深爱着他的弟弟。

 August 26, Sunday.--Nearly late for church, Mrs. James having talked considerably about what to wear all the morning. Lupin does not seem to get on very well with Mrs. James. I am afraid we shall have some trouble with our next-door neighbours who came in last Wednesday. Several of their friends, who drive up in dog-carts, have already made themselves objectionable.

826  星期日 詹姆士夫人整个早晨都在不停地谈论穿衣服的学问,结果去教堂做礼拜时几乎迟到。卢宾似乎与詹姆士夫人相处地不太融洽。我与隔壁上周三搬来的新邻居之间恐怕会有麻烦。他们的几个驾驶轻便马车的朋友,已经让我反感(objectionable)。

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