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Extracts from the Code of Hammurabi(汉谟拉比法典精选)  

2008-10-04 10:58:16|  分类: 资料文献 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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Hammurabi, once the ruler of Babylon, a city-state in Summer, created the Babylonian Empire(巴比伦王朝) in 1792 B.C. He and his army set out to unite Mesopotamia under his rule. He succeeded in taking over much of central and southern Mesopotamia. Many other kings attempted to control parts of Mesopotamia before and after Hammurabi. He is remembered, however, because of his code of laws.


Hammurabi was the first ruler to codify, or bring together, a set of laws. He did not write the laws. He gathered them from the many parts of his empire. The 282 laws were then carved on stone pillares and places throughout the Empire. By reading the laws, Hammurabi's subjects would know what was and what was not lawful.


The laws set up a s trict system of justice. Those who broke the law were punished. Often the punishment was severe. Punishments were worse for public officials and wealthy men than for peasants. The laws also regulated marriage and the family. Every marriage was governed by a marriage contract. Fathers had absolute rule over the family. Women had fewer rights than men.


The following are some laws from the Code of Hammurabi. Subjects of the Babylonian Empire could find a law to govern just about everything they did.


1. If a man brings accusation against another man, charging him with murder, but cannot prove it, the accuser shall be put to death.

4. If he bear [false] witness concerning grain or money, he shall himself bear the penalty imposed in that case.

22. If a man practises robbery and is captured, that man shall be put to death.

195. If a son stikes his father, they shall cut off his hand.

233. If a buidler builds house for a man and does not make its consturction sound, and a wall cracks, that builder shall strengthen that wall at this own expense.

1. 如果有人指控另一个人谋杀,但是却拿不出证据,那么指控都将被处死。

4. 如果有人在粮食和金钱案件中做伪证,那么他将受到与罪犯同样的处罚。

22. 抢劫者一旦被捉住,将被处死。

195. 如果儿子殴打父亲,那么他的手将被砍掉。

233. 如果一位建筑商为其他人建了一座房子,却没有建牢,导致屋墙出现裂缝,则建筑商应自己出钱加固此墙。


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