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童年趣事之一Snapshot in My Childhood(1)  

2008-10-09 00:05:25|  分类: 往事悠悠 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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        一年冬天,我和一帮小伙伴在冰上玩耍,滑冰、踢碎冰块,相互推搡,不时有人滑倒,从而引发阵阵笑声。在喧嚣中,我发现有一 位小伙伴正在专心的工作,他在做什么呢?仔细一年,原来正拿着一把锤子,用力地击打厚厚的冰层,他是想敲下几块冰玩。先敲了几下,冰层没有反应。于是他耐下心来,在冰上不停地砸,最后竟莫名奇妙地以自己为中心,转着圈敲起来。终于,冰上的裂缝越来越大,眼看一大块冰就要被敲掉了,这位小伙伴兴奋地叫起来:“掉了,掉了!”(他是说冰被他敲掉了)。我们都循声望去,就听“扑通”一声,他自己掉进去了。我们一边去救他,一边忍不住哈哈大笑。直到现在,见面聊天时,提起这件事 ,仍令我们忍俊不禁。

       When I was a kid, there was a pond behind our village,   where we swam in summer and skated in winter. The pond was a paradise for us then.  

       One winter, I was playing on the ice of the pond with some peers, skating, kicking ice cubes and hustling each other. A fall now and then evoked fits of laughter.  During the commotion, I found one boy was bent on smashing a hammar down onto the ice, who wanted to hammar off some ice blocks to play with. His first hits produced little result. So he settled down to it and kept hitting ceaselessly. God knows how, he made himself the center  of the circle he was hammaring. Slowly, cracks appeared in the ice and then  widened. A block of ice seemed to be separated from the whole soon.  Seeing his efforts finally got paid off, the pal cried out with excitement:"It's down! It's down!"(by this he meant he hammared it off at last). We werer all attracted by his voice and looked at him. Just at that time, he fell into the cold water with "putong". While ruching to his rescue, we couldn't help roaring with laughter.  Even today, when we meet and chat, the matter is often brought up to mark our happy childhood.

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