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2010-09-22 10:20:53|  分类: 资料文献 |  标签: |举报 |字号 订阅

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1. 2010 湖南)Tim is in good shape physically____________ he doesn't get much exercise.

A. if                    B. even though      C. unless                 D. as long as 

2. 2010山东) The school rules state that no child shall be allowed out of the school during the day, ____________ accompanied by an adult.

A. once               B. when                C. if                      D. unless


3. 2010上海)____________ you may have, you should gather your courage to face the challenge.

A. However a serious problem                B. What a serious problem

C. However serious a problem                D. What serious a problem

4. 2010四川)Because of the heavy trafficit was already time for lunch break____________ she got to her


Asince             Bthat                   Cwhen              Duntil 

5. 2010陕西)John thinks it won’t be long ____________ he is ready for his new job.       

A. when                B. after             C. before                 D. since

6.2010重庆)Today, we will begin ____________ we stopped yesterday so that no point will be left out.

A. when                           B. where                            C. how                        D. what

7. (2009福建) She had just finished her homework ____________ her mother asked her to practice playing the piano yesterday.

A. when                    B. while                 C. after                 D. since

8. (2009陕西) My parents don’t mind what job I do ____________ I am happy.

A. even though      B. as soon as         C. as long as          D. as though

even though即使;尽管;as soon as一……就……;as though仿佛,好像

9. (2009上海)  You can’t borrow books from the school library ____________  you get your student card.

A. before            B. if                C. while                   D. as

10. (2009全国Ⅱ) All the dishes in this menu, ____________ otherwise stated, will serve two to three people.

A. as                B. if                C. though            D. unless

. 基础巩固练习

1. In the July 8, 2010, a new  building was put up ___________there had once been a lake.

A. that                             B. where                    C. which                     D. when

2. Mother was worried because her son was ill, especially ___________ father was away in America.

A. as                        B. that                        C. during                    D. if

3.-- Did you remember to give Tom the key to his bedroom?

--Yes. I gave it to him___________ I saw him.

A. while               B. once              C. suddenly              D. the moment

4. What was the party like?

Wonderful. It’s years __________I enjoyed myself so much.

5. You will be late ______________you leave immediately.

A. unless                  B. until                        C. if                            D. or

6. ___________, Mother will wait for him to have dinner together.

A. However late is he                                         B. However he is late

C. However is he late                                         D. However late he is

7. We had hardly got to the station __________it began no rain.

A. until                     B. since                             C. while                             D. when

8. We won’t give up ______________we should fail ten times.

A. even if                  B. since                             C. whether                 D. until

9. She doesn’t speak ____________her friend, but her written work is excellent.

A. as well as             B. so often as                    C. so much as             D. as good as

10. He’ll be happy ____________he may be.

A. when                   B. if                            C. because                 D. wherever

11. ________he woke _________slept, this subject is always in his mind.

A. If; and                  B. Both; and                      C. Either; or                      D. Whether; or

12. You will catch cold _____________put on more clothes.

A. if you                   B. if you will not          C. unless you                     D. until you

13. Remember to send me a photo of your son next time you ____________to me.

A. write                    B. will write                C. are writing              D. would write

14. If people __________from polluting the environment, people ___________pay the price in the near future.

A. are not kept; will have to                         B. are not kept; have to

C. do not deep; will have to                         D. do not deep; have to

15. I need one more stamp before my collection ____________.

A. has completed             B. completes                     C. has been completed      D. is completed

16. As she _________TV, Mr. Smith _________asleep.

A. watched, was falling                                B. was watching, fell

C. was watching, was falling                         D. watched, fell

17.--Why didn’t you try your best to get on the bus?

 ---I tried to, but _________ I could, it started moving.

A. until                     B. when                C. before                  D. after

18. We made a decision __________there would be rain, we should stay at home.

A. that                             B. if                            C. that if                     D. whether

19. Father was ________busy in working __________he often forgot rest or meals.

A. very, that                    B. so, that                   C. such, as                 D. enough, as

20. He always thinks I’m wrong, _____________I may say.

A. no matter whatever     B. whatever                C. what                             D. that

. 高考模拟强化练习

1.  The game is not very difficult ____________ you understand the rules.

Abefore                 Bthough                   Cunless                   Donce

2____________ advertisements are of great help, I don’t think we should entirely rely on them.

ASince                  BWhile                    CBecause                DAs

3Once again he failed to hand in his homework ____________ he had been given enough time to do it

Ain case                  Bas though           Cso that              Deven though

4.—Peter told me he wanted to come with us. Is it OK for you?

I don’t mind____________ he pays for his meals.

Aas far as                     Bas well as                     Cas long as                     Das soon as

5 My parents don’t care ____________my pocket money goes, but one thing is for sure: the money spent must be worthwhile.

A. why             B. when               C. where             D. how

6America's car industry will continue to break down ____________ some progress is made to close the gap· 

Asince                   Bbecause              Cunless            Dthough   

7Although he was in poor health, Robert succeeded ____________ other more famous engineers failed

Awhich             Bthat          Cwhat               Dwhere

8. The novel was completed in 1978, ____________the economic system has seen great changes

Awhen                Bduring which       C since then                   D since when

9____________ you want to remember its usage, you’d better make a sentence with the new word.

A. Unless                B. While               C. Now that                D. Even if

10Many instant communication tools, such as QQ, MSN, UC, POPO____________ you can chat with your friends, makes communication easy.

Aas                      Bwhich                    Cthat                       Dwhere

11The number of women dying from breast cancer has fallen to its lowest level ____________ records began in 1971.

Awhen                   Bbefore                   Csince                    Dafter

12A small car is big enough for a family of three____________ you need more space for baggage

Aonce            Bbecause                Cif             Dunless

13. ----Are my clothes too casual?

----No. You can go ____________you are.

A. as                 B. what                 C. that                  D. where

14Johnson, would you like to marry Ann and love her all your life, ____________ she is young or old, or poor or rich?

Yes, I do.

A. even if                   B. whether                   C. no matter                D. however

15The fire was finally brought under control, but not ____________heavy damage had been caused.

Abefore                 Bafter                      Cfrequent                Das

16. ---Grandpa, what did the doctor say?

  ---He advised me to live ____________ the air is fresher.

A. in where                B. in which                  C. the place where              D. where

17. The girl still remembers that she was too nervous ____________she gave a speech in the face of such a big crowd. 

A. at the first time             B. the first time            C. for the first time              D. at first

18. The violent disturbances in Bangkok had progressed to a point ____________the police had to drive away the protestants with tear gas

A. from which        B. that              C. where            D. what

19____________is often the casehe didn’t study hard and failed to pass the test

AWhat                BWhich             CIt                       DAs

20MacDonald who had spent much of his time ____________graduating from college back packing round Europe, decided last year to settle down

 Awhen            Bwhile           Csince            Dbefore


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